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Addiction Academy
- for people who have been affected by another's addiction

  Addiction Academy

Addiction Academy
- for people who have been affected by another's addiction

Is the Academy for you?

If you have a family member who has an addiction then the following questions may help you to decide if you have been affected:

If you have answered yes to some of the questions above, the Academy may be of help to you.

Are you aware of the difference - Carer or Enabler?

The Addiction Accedemy is for people whose life's have been affected by someone else's addiction. It is for people who would like to meet and chat with people to help them understand about the illness and to let other people know how they are feeling and to lighten the worry and confussion that another person's addicition can have on their life. The meeting will have two reponsible adults in attendance who have knowledge of working with people and who have been in recovery themselves for a considerable time.

Live a free spirit, not a victim

The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service

The Queen's Award
for Voluntary Service
The MBE for volunteer groups
JUNE 2011

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